During the month of August we have shown crisscross a Group Exhibition by Hengki Pudjianto, FauZie As'Ad, Lie Fhung and Youri Leroux. The Opening reception on August 2nd was a great success with a high turnout despite the hot and humidity of August. If you have missed the opening above are some pictures of that fun night!  |
Poetic Layers // Wensen Qi’s Solo Exhibition
Opening Reception: 6 September 2012
Exhibition Duration: 6 September – 6 October 2012
Sin Sin Fine Art proudly presents Poetic Layers, a solo exhibition of the French artist Wensen Qi (Vincent Cazeneuve). The Artist will be present at the Opening Reception and the evenig will be accompanied by a saxophone music performance
Wensen derives his creative conception from Chinese traditional ideology and culture and then mixing it with elements of Western Art, hence inexhaustibly exploring the possibility of the perseverance of tradition in contemporary times.
Lacquer painting is one of the ancient arts of China. It requires patience and fortitude as it is well known that the process of embedding, scattering, rubbing and layering may require several repetitions. The theme “Poetic Layers” commences from the idea of the manual repetition of these gestures and investigates the Artist’s attempt to embody his poetic sensations. The Artist’s concerns on history and his aspiration to eternity are well expressed through Lacquer which even after thousands of years maintains its splendor.
Wensen has turned lacquer painting from a traditional medium that combines various techniques to a contemporary medium of art expression. In his works roughness and undulating texture are coordinated with smoothness and shine, as if Wensen is covering the work with a layer of poetic fog, silently whispering his inspiration.
“Poetic Layers” comes as a collaborative effort with Hong Merchant Gallery in Shanghai, where Wensen has previously been showing his artworks.
Fung Ming Chip - Art Platform – Los Angeles
Fung Ming Chip, one of our beloved artists who has been with us for many years, will join us at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica (California) from September 27th to September 30th for the Art Platform – Los Angeles. This modern and contemporary art fair it’s in its second year and will bring together both local and international artists, dealers, collectors, museums and art enthusiasts, to engage in a vibrant exchange of art and culture. Art Platform - Los Angeles will serve as a platform to encourage and deepen the dialogue between the talent of greater Los Angeles and that of the international art community around the globe.
Sin Sin Fine Art is pleased to announce that we will be the first and only Asian Gallery present at this event. We are very excited to present Fung Ming Chip’s work to the Los Angeles and international crowd and we are sure our visitors will share our same enthusiasm!
Alfred Ko
We are pleased to announce that the exhibition Agoraphobia by Alfred Ko, that has been exhibited at this Gallery in July 2012 and after moved to Dali, has won Best Nomination of Redpoll Trophy Photography Awards in the 4th Dali International Photography Exhibition. Taking place in Dali of China, the event sets its theme on "Life Is Everywhere".
Rick Lewis – Spring Close solo exhibition at Steven Amedee Gallery New York
To celebrate his 10 year anniversary collaborating with Steven Amedee Gallery, Rick Lewis will have a show opening in Tribeca at this New York Gallery on September 20th, the show will be titled “Spring Close”. Rick has been exhibiting with Steven Amedee Gallery since 2002 when he returned from Bali, by coincidence this celebration coincides with the amount of time that he has been working creatively with Sin Sin Fine Art. The title of the exhibition is acquired from a New York area known as "Spring Close" that lies near a large estuary and bay system in Long Island; this area is particularly close to Rick as he has spent the past 20 years exploring it with his kayak. Also Rick’s first studio, when he moved to New York in the early 90’s, was in the Springs, many memories and part of his artistic trail are therefore attached to this area of New York. The Springs is also where Willem Dekooning and Jackson Pollock lived and worked.
The exhibited work for Spring Close is a direct response to the Artist’s relationship with the landscape in this particular area. The paintings and works on paper are abstract interpretations derived from the quality of light, color, other sensory perceptions and the physical changes of the water and coastline occurring with the ebb and flow of the tide. The process involves photographing, drawing, audio recording and collecting specimens of flora and fauna, rocks, wood, bits of shell and other flotsam found in Spring Close. With this "field research" in hand Rick Lewis returns to the studio and attempts to create psychological landscapes that serve as dialogue between himself, the work and the viewer.
M. Irfan, Jumaldi Alfi, Nasirun - XXL: State of Indonesian Art group exhibition
Curated by Valentine willie
Opening Reception: 12 August 2012, 7.30 pm
Sangkring Art Space, Jl. Nitiprayan 88, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Officiation by: dr. Oei Hong Djien
Essai by. Bre Redana, Amir Sidharta, and Karim Raslan
Discussion and Catalog Launching: Saturday 8 September 2012, 3 pm
Jogja Contemporary, in collaboration with Sangkring Art Space, is currently presenting XXL: State of Indonesian Art, an exhibition that showcases the work of contemporary artists specially commissioned to make use of the expansive gallery spaces to create contemporary works of epic proportions. Three of our well know artist M. Irfan, Jumaldi Alfi and Nasirun, will be taking part to this exhibition.
XXL takes as its starting point the ability of grand narrative and tableau painting to observe, represent and interrogate the state of the nation. Anticipating various approaches that weave personal and public critique, humour, idealism, warning, and observation on ideas of nationhood, community and the realities of politics, the exhibition aims to present a visual conversation on the contemporary condition of Indonesia today.
Artistic Rendezvous
With an admiration and appreciation for Sin Sin’s artistic take on art and life, it was only natural for the talented Mr William Tang to choose Sin Sin Fine Art and Atelier as the location for his exclusive interview with nowTV. Explaining his unique take on design, art and life, Mr William Tang also invited Sin Sin to share her experience and inspiration, rounding up a delightful and inspiring afternoon.
This segment titled “Vinci’s Code” will be aired under the programme “102觀星總部” at nowTV 102 channel, a high-lighted entertainment channel of nowTV.
Shades of life
As we move through time, changes follow - renewing life with fresh energy, Sin Sin shares with us the latest color palette of Sin Sin's Pleated Pouch, which expresses her latest experience, explained in her own poetic language:
With your heart longing for adventures dive in to the Deep Sea of life and find treasures of life awaiting you there
Emerging from the troubled waters, you walked into the forest fragranced with the alluring Sandal wood to soothe your weary soul...
And now the day is quickly moving on the sky is gloriously painted with the Sunset
burning with passions for brighter tomorrows