Sin Sin Fine Art is delighted to announce a new solo exhibition of paintings by Chinese contemporary master Sun Guangyi. In his latest series of works, Sun creates delicate ink–and-colour paintings illuminated with gold, evocative of Buddhist paintings of ancient sites such as Dunhuang. Yet Sun infuses his portraits with imagined, almost surrealistic inner landscapes of visions and symbols that convey the artist’s deep belief in the sacred connectedness of all things. Sun himself states that ‘As an artist and as a practitioner of the dharma, my goal is to use my artwork as a vehicle to express the deep truth and awakening that I have found, and to share with my friends my deep sense of existential joy.’
Sun Guangyi was born in 1967 in Liaoning province, China. He studied Chinese ink painting and calligraphy at the Chenzhou Painting and Calligraphy Academy and graduated from the Liaoning University of Arts and Culture in 1992. A devoted Buddhist, Sun currently lives in Dali, Yunnan province. His works have been exhibited and collected throughout China and internationally.
Sin Sin Fine Arts 誠意向各位推介中國現代畫大師孫廣義一輯新的個人展。孫廣義在他最近的一系列作品中,發揮了極大創意,在細緻的水墨及水彩畫中用上了光彩奪目的金色,令人聯想起中國的遠古佛教聖地,例如敦煌的佛教繪畫藝術。同時孫廣義更將想像中近乎超現實主義的內心願景及景象注入畫像中,藉以帶出萬物相聯相扣的神聖景界,而這位藝術家對此是深信不疑的。孫廣義曾這樣說過:「身為藝術家,佛陀教言的實踐者,我願通過藝術作品將自己對佛法的真實體悟和修持,與朋友們共同分享生命的快樂。」
孫廣義在1967年在遼寧省出生。他曾在辰州書畫院(Chenzhou Painting and Calligraphy Academy ) 習水墨畫及書法,在1992年畢業於遼寧藝術及文化大學(Liaoning University of Arts and Culture)。他是一位虔敬的佛教徒,目前居於雲南省大理。他的作品曾在全中國及世界各地展覽,深受各地收藏家喜愛。