In the coming summer season, Sin Sin Fine Art is pleased to introduce a series of works "from 2D to 3D" by 20 international and local artists, two group exhibitions that inspect into the topic of the physical form of representation, which has generated much inspiration throughout the history of art. Our visual life is defined by three dimensions. Artists transform and appropriate them, to fit the flatness of their media: canvas, paper, murals, film. Eventually, creativity emerges within this oscillating process between 3D and 2D, leaving behind fragments of accumulated insights, which we call art.
In “2D” are exhibited works by artists who make use of different materials to create all kinds of print works: lithographs, prints by aluminum cut and digital technologies and on various surface textures, photographs that recreate the essence of the real objects portrayed. Black and White photographs by noted photographer and writer Roland Hagenberg narrate the story of his ongoing expeditions, while Wong How Man, Founder and President of the China Exploration & Research Society, for the first time demonstrates at Sin Sin Fine Art the rare beauty of the Black-necked Cranes documented in very personal photographs. Participating artists in “2D” include Bai Xincheng, Donald Damask, Entang Wiharso, Julia Nee Chu, Kokok P. Sancoko, Leung Chi Wo, Pablo Posada Pernikoff, Rick Lewis, Roland Hagenberg and Wong How Man.
The “3D” exhibition showcases sculptural works from conventional bronze casts and wood carving to abstract forms of arbitrary materials put together. One thing which is common in all these works is the intent to transgress the original properties of the material used and redefine the relationship between a solid object and the space around it, where we find metal and glass in a liquefied state and even floating in the air. The sculptural work by Kokok P. Sancoko is an extension of his idea of “incompleteness”, a resonance of his painting series. Abdi Setiawan preserves the traditional craft of wood carving in his sculptural works which are strongly influenced by American Pop Culture. There is also a new work by S. Teddy Darmawan, a versatile artist who is currently showing a large installation art “Love Tank” at the National Museum of Singapore. Artists who are exhibited at the gallery for the first time also include local artists Lee Chin Fai who is noted for his public art of steel sculptures, and Lee Man Sang, a master craftsman and sculptor. Participating artists in “3D” are Abdi Setiawan, Antoinette Rozan, Kokok P. Sancoko, Lee Chin Fai, Lee Man Sang, Pablo Posada Pernikoff, Pande Ketut Taman, Putu Sutawijaya, S. Teddy Darmawan and Theresia Agustina Sitompul.
Sin Sin Fine Art 將於這個夏季舉辦兩個聯展,展出由二十位國際及本地藝術家創作的一系列作品,主題為「由二維到三維空間」。這兩個聯展將審視藝術的表現形態這個在美術史裡其中一個重大命題。我們的視覺生活是由三維空間所主宰,而藝術家們透過轉化和挪用這些空間的特性,將其巧妙地置於自己的素材之上,如畫布、紙本、壁畫、菲林。逐漸的創意就在這種穿越二維和三維空間的遊移中誕生,留下點點累積的領悟,亦即藝術。
二維空間裡展出了運用各種素材製作的平面作品:平版、金屬切片、數碼等於不同質地表面上的印刷,以及重新塑造真實物件本質的攝影作品。著名攝影師及作家Roland Hagenberg 透過黑白照片訴說他長期征途的故事,而中國探險學會創辦人及會長黃效文首次於Sin Sin Fine Art 展出珍貴的黑頸鶴照片。參與藝術家包括:白新城,Donald Damask,Entang Wiharso,邱久麗,Kokok P. Sancoko,梁志和,Pablo Posada Pernikoff,Rick Lewis,Roland Hagenberg 及黃效文。
三維空間展出由傳統的銅及木雕塑到以各種物件隨意組成的抽象形態的立體作品。它們的相同之處在於藝術家想要超越物質的原本特性,並重新界定物件與其周遭的空間關係的意圖。於是我們看到的是金屬和玻璃處於液體,甚至懸浮於半空的狀態。Kokok P. Sancoko 的雕塑作品是其「未完成」系列畫作的延伸。Abdi Setiawan 在他深受美國流行文化薰陶的作品裡亦保留了傳統木刻的手藝。同場還有S. Teddy Darmawan 的新作,他現正於新加坡國立博物館有一名為“Love Tank” 的巨型裝置藝術品。首次展出還有本地藝術家李展輝,其大型不鏽鋼公共藝術品尤其為人津津樂道,及李民生,著名工藝家及雕塑家。參與藝術家包括:Abdi Setiawan,Antoinette Rozan,Kokok P. Sancoko,李展輝,李民生,Pablo Posada Pernikoff,Pande Ketut Taman,Putu Sutawijaya, S. Teddy Darmawan 及Theresia Agustina Sitompul。